The underlying emotion that governs all the activity of the ego is fear. The fear of being nobody, the fear of nonexistence, the fear of death. All its activities are ultimately designed to eliminate this fear, but the most the ego can ever do is to cover it up temporarily with an intimate relationship, a new possession, or winning at this or that. Illusion will never satisfy you. Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.
Why fear? Because the ego arises by identification with form, and deep down it knows that no forms are permanent, that they are all fleeting. So there is always a sense of insecurity around the ego even if on the outside it appears confident.
Once, as I was walking with a friend through a beautiful nature reserve near
How is the formless in you beyond death?
Whilst watching the Twin Towers fall, taking with them a lot of human life, I was struck but how impermanent absolutely everything is: great girders returning to dust. The ego seems to find it unacceptable that everything is always formless, despite the illusion of stablilty for a - relatively - short period of time. Focussing on such examples has helped me to begin to understand my true nature.