Wednesday, July 7, 2010


In the old days, having kids meant more economic assets that you could deploy. Now, this quote summarizes it best: "Children are economically worthless but emotionally priceless."

If you evaluate happiness as a parent on a moment to moment basis, than you're probably less happy than a couple without children (housework, changing diapers, teenage rebellion, etc). But when you assume happiness means living a purposeful and meaningful life, then having children probably makes the average couple happier, because for most people, the purpose of their lives now is to provide for their children. If you don't have children and don't have any greater purpose in your life, then you'll probably be less happy from this perspective. At least if you have kids, you will have a purpose--to be there for your children.

Personally for me, of course I want to have kids eventually. But I think having kids as late as possible is best. What's the rush?

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