Monday, July 19, 2010

evolutionary explanation for marriage

Marriage is here to stay. Right or wrong, hot or cold, people will continue to get married. Even the most primitive civilizations have the institution. No social or political order will ever be invented without it. We had better understand it. Marriage is the gimmick used in each society so that the local witch doctor, medicine man, milkman, diaper service and others know where to send the bill for their work. If the human infant developed as rapidly as other animal babies, our society and its institutions would be vastly different. As things stand, the world is organized mainly to guarantee the survival of the next generation. Adults come off only second best, as is reasonable to expect.

The baby turtle is in business for himself from the moment he is hatched. He never sees his parents and couldn't care less. Most other baby animals are able to fend for themselves as adults within two or three years. But the human animal requires about fifteen years before it is of much use to itself or anyone else. For this reason, mainly, the human animal will always find it necessary to live in a group. For the purpose of mutual assistance for survival. The human infant is a total loss as far as being any help. He must be supported, educated, protected for about a fourth of his whole life span. Someone has to be charged with this responsibility. Enter marriage.

- Willard Beecher

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